FREE test, trial & smile

Get a hearing test, try on the hearing aids and trial them for FREE, no strings attached.


Taking the first step

Taking the first step towards improving your hearing may be exciting for some and a little daunting for others.  

Walking through our door is the first step to better hearing. We will be with you on every step of your journey towards better hearing. 

Bring a friend or family member along to your appointment for support. Four ears are always better than two.

At Helix there is a friendly and welcoming atmosphere and you will get valuable information about hearing improvement and solutions

FREE hearing test

Allow about an hour for the whole hearing assessment. 

In order to find out more about your hearing, we will give you a free hearing test.

The hearing test will take approximately 10 minutes and is the first step to determining whether you may have a hearing loss.

Following your test, your hearing care professional will discuss your results with you and will answer any questions that you may have.

FREE fitting

If your hearing test shows you have a hearing loss, and you decide to try out our hearing aids, we will find a hearing solution to fit your needs.
You can then try the hearing devices to get your first impression and give feedback to make sure this is the best solution for you.

KOSTENLOSES sofortiges Testtragen

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Sie können Ihre Hörgeräte sofort anprobieren, mit nach Hause nehmen und testen, wie sie zu Ihrem Bedarf passen – ganz unverbindlich.

Der Hörakustiker zeigt Ihnen, wie die Geräte funktionieren und wie Sie moderne Hörgeräte drahtlos mit verschiedenen Quellen wie Telefon, Smartphone und TV verbinden können! 

Nach ein paar Wochen kommen Sie wieder in die Filiale und wir unterhalten uns darüber, wie Sie die Hörgeräte finden. Sie können die Hörgeräte kostenlos testen und erleben, wie sie Ihr Leben verändern. 

The right hearing solution for you

Some people prefer their aids to be nearly invisible going inside your ears and others prefer ones going behind the ears.
For Marilyn it was important that she could choose who to tell about her new hearing aids.
Listen to her story in the video on your left.


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